Be a good NECTR-ine
Don’t use, take, or damage anything that isn’t your own without permission. Don’t damage the landowner’s property or land. Don’t leave MOOP on the land.
Accept guidelines from NECTR Board members and event leads at the event so we can continue to address issues and have a flexible atmosphere.
Don’t intentionally or recklessly endanger others with your dangerous tools/spaces/art pieces. Don’t endanger yourself in such a way that burdens other participants with your safety. Don’t behave in any way that necessitates the use of outside intervention, like the police and fire departments.
Be excellent to other NECTR-ines
Don’t touch people without consent. Don’t get someone more intoxicated than they consent to being. Don’t mess with other’s personal space or property if they don’t consent.
Don’t verbally harass people with aggressive, sexual, or hateful speech. If someone tells you to leave them alone, continuing to make any contact with them is harassment.
Be excellent to yourself
Practice good self-care. First, speak up. Ask the person to stop. Say no. If you feel unsafe, leave the situation. If you feel uncomfortable but the behavior does not violate the CoC, step away from the situation. If you need help, ask for it. If someone asks you for help, do your best to help or find someone who can.
Bottom line
NECTR will not accept any behavior that threatens the safety of participants, the care of the property, or the ability to run the event in good standing with local residents and law enforcement.
If any participant asks for another to cease a behavior that violates our code, they are expected to stop immediately. Event organizers may take further measures if the participant doesn’t comply with the request. NECTR reserves the right to immediately revoke a ticket, expel a participant, or ban future attendance for violating any standards in this Code of Conduct.