NECTR is about 1.5 hours from Boston and 2 hours from New York.
Maps of the event will be posted at Center Camp and this website for printing close to the start of the event. Please respect the boundaries of the land as this is taking place on privately owned land. Please remain fully clothed when in view of the neighbors.
Directions to the Site
Directions will be emailed to ticket buyers. The directions are also e-mailed directly to those who sign-up for work weekends. Please do not post directions to any list or share with those not attending.
Arrival and Tickets
NO tickets will be available for purchase at the gate. All participants must have purchased a ticket to be admitted. You must bring a photo ID for association with your ticket.
When you arrive, plan to spend a few minutes at the gate. You may then proceed to parking to unload your gear from your parked car. Please try to carpool to the event if possible. NO personal vehicles will be allowed on the event site or down the trail during the event.
Early Arrival
Early arrival (Wednesday before the start of the event) is permitted with prior approval. If you plan on being on site, please email us in advance. A very limited number of vehicles may be able to drive up the trail into the event to unload gear during the early arrival period. NO personal vehicles will be allowed on the event site or up the trail during the event.
Please be packed up and able to leave by noon on Monday. Remember that everything brought up to the site has to brought back out. Please take all your trash with you — NECTR is a Leave No Trace event.
- Leave unnecessary packaging at home.
- Keep paper, trash, or cigarettes out of the fire pits. Take it home with you. Recycle it if you can!
- Bring your own reusable beverage container.
- Bring reusable/washable dishware and eating utensils.
- Respect the potties–don’t put trash of any kind in them. Single-ply toilet paper ONLY.
- Take EVERYTHING home with you.
Bring water for drinking, cooking, cleaning. A gallon per day per person should suffice unless you really like water. Showers are not provided at the event but you can bring extra water for a sun shower (or simply wet wipes or similar for this purpose).
- Bring your own cup (carry it everywhere).
- You will need to provide enough food for yourself and your friends. Plan to potluck — bring extra food to share.
- Use camp stoves or portable grills to cook in your campsite, do not make ground fires. If you want to cook over a campfire, find one which is already going and pull up a seat!
- Take all leftover food home with you.
Weather happens. NECTR takes place in the Fall in Connecticut so the temperatures could be quite cold, especially at night. See the packing list for more information.
- Bring a variety of clothes and footwear for different weather conditions.
- Trails are often muddy and rocky – hiking boots are best.
- Plan your camp to survive the rain
- Bring sun protection
- When deciding what to bring with you, remember you will need to move your gear on foot.
- Bring a sense of adventure and self-reliance, and if possible, bring friends who will help each other out and keep a good attitude under challenging conditions.
There will be bugs, including ticks. Be prepared with bug repellent, garlic, or whatever other repellent method you prefer.
Fire (fire safety guidelines)
Ground fires are not permitted in the camping areas except in above ground fire pits. Bring wood (preferably local) for yourself/camp to burn. No plastic, pressure-treated wood, etc.
- Fires need to be in an above ground fire pit
- Clear at least 5 feet back from the fire pit of brush, leaves, and pine needles.
- Each fire pit is to have at least 2 gallons of water and either a shovel or bucket of dirt handy at all times.
- When there is a fire, at least one sober person needs to be supervising it.
- If you see any unattended fire, please extinguish it
- All fires must be out and cold by noon on Monday when the event ends.
You can find more tips on staying warm in your camp here: Staying Warm at NECTR
Wood is purchased in advance of the event. If you would like to use some for your camping area or one of the community fire pits you can use one of the wheel barrows to cart some from the effigy area to your fire pit. We only ask that you consider donating to offset the cost of the wood!
Please donate HERE: (Suggested donation $15)
Fire Performance
Fire spinning is allowed. Fire spinning should happen in an adequate clearing, and only at approved spinning areas. If you spin, please make sure you are familiar with the fire safety guidelines.
- If you are forming a theme camp, we recommend asking for formal placement at NECTR – you can do this here (please complete before September 26th). Placements occurs during the first work weekend.
- Before you
set up, take a close look at your site and think about how it will drain. Choosing the right place for your tent will help you avoid waking up in a puddle.
- Ground that is completely cleared of leaves and brush is more likely to erode and turn to mud under rain and feet. Don’t clear an area completely to soil — leave the leaves as padding.
- Watch out for poison ivy – it tends to be abundant!
- Light your campsite and carry a light with you so you can find your spot!
The Facilities
There will be rented portable potties in the field near Center Camp as well as near Greeters. When using the potties please remember, if it didn’t come from your body, it doesn’t go into the potties! The only exception is single-ply toilet paper. Use the provided hand wash/sanitizer to stay healthy. Help maintain them — replace toilet paper (more is available at Center Camp) and remove trash.
Sound and Electricity
Plan on providing your own power. Please talk to us about noise issues if you plan to have a generator or large scale sound. Music volume levels will be lowered at night at the discretion of the land owners. Typically around 10pm. Sound camps must be approved prior to NECTR start by the Sound Core lead – please apply here if you are interested in hosting one!
Children and minors are allowed at NECTR. Children under 16 years old do not require a ticket but must be registered and will be greeted at the gate. Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by their legal guardian.
If you are lost, injured, or concerned about a safety issue (uncontrolled fire, medical concern), please speak to one of the Bees. You can find them at the Bee Hive (marked on the map) or wandering the event. They are happy to talk with you, know the lay of the land, have radios, and can help answer your questions. They can also help contact the Board Members to handle any situations that require them. Self-service First Aid supplies are also available for your use at the Bee Hive. If you need to leave the event for (non-emergency) medical reasons, the Bees can also help coordinate this.
No Pets
If a participant has a disability which requires a service animal, please contact us. Anyone with unauthorized animals will be asked to leave the event.
No Vending
Vending is not allowed at NECTR.
Disclaimer: Use of the NECTR ticket indicates that the bearer agrees to the following terms:
- You are solely responsible for your own survival and well being, including bringing an adequate supply of water and food, as well as your own shelter.
- You agree to read and abide by all rules in the NECTR Survival Guide, and to follow federal, state, and local laws.
- You understand that the nature of the event entails certain risks and hazards; you attend solely at your own risk, and no guarantees, expressed or implied, have been made about your safety.
- Photographs, video, or sound recordings of any participants or creative work cannot be used for commercial purposes without the express permission of subjects or artists
- Commercial vending and/or advertising are prohibited.
- You agree to waive any claim or action you may have against: 1) the owners of the land upon which the event is held, 2) the organizers of the event, or volunteers at the event, or 3) any other participants, for any action taken, damage incurred, or injury sustained during the event.